International Volunteer Opportunities for High School Students

A wide variety of well established programs designed to suit younger volunteers

  • See the world in an active way by combining volunteer work with travel plans.
  • From teaching English to working with elephants there are opportunities to suit all tastes.
  • Try new things and learn new skills in a safe and supervised environment.
  • We care about your safety, and all projects, accommodation and local staff support workers are thoroughly checked and monitored
  • Guaranteed lowest program fees in the US – starting from $100 - $200 per week.
  • 18 countries, 200 projects and thousands of happy volunteers since 2003.
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International Volunteer Opportunities for High School Students

volunteer in brazil

Are you waiting for the chance to do something big with international volunteer opportunities for high school students? Can you picture yourself working with elephants in Sri Lanka, supporting a handicraft project in Brazil, or teaching English in Ecuador? When you step outside your normal routine and get out to see the world, you’ll start to see how many opportunities arise just by trying new things.

At Global Crossroad, we are firm believers in the power of volunteering abroad. Whether you want to meet inspiring people, learn about different cultures, or simply improve your overall health, international volunteer opportunities for high school students give you all this, and more! So if you’re hoping to see what it’s like to teach English in a developing country, work in healthcare helping women, or supporting at-risk animals in South America, be sure to explore Global Crossroad’s extensive selection of high school volunteer opportunities.

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The benefits of international volunteer opportunities for high school students

children development

International volunteer opportunities for high school students offer a wide range of benefits to people of any age and background. For young students wanting to improve their leadership skills, volunteering abroad provides you with a chance to take on important decision-making roles.

Pretend that you’re volunteering at a handicraft project in Brazil, where you’re working one-on-one with local women from underserved communities. From teaching English and craft skills to helping them navigate small businesses, you’ll be embodying an impactful leadership position.

But volunteer opportunities for high school students aren’t just about enhancing your resume, or developing your professional skills. What’s arguably more significant is the relationships you’ll form, and the personal growth you’ll experience through international volunteer opportunities for high school students. So much of life is based on who you know—interpersonal connections are what make the world go round.

You might have the best grades in your school, but that won’t necessarily translate into a great job. A large number of professional opportunities come from friends or contacts you make along the way. By participating in international programs for high school students, you’ll meet a wealth of people who might end up playing a big role in your future.

For these reasons, Global Crossroad is thrilled to present our exclusive selection of international volunteer opportunities for high school students that are both safe and affordable for teens. No matter if you want to dive deeper into medicine, nature conservation, or social work, Global Crossroad has a program that will give you the professional and personal skills to move forward with your ideal career.

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Jessica Mills

It was all worth it. I treasured the intimate moments travelling and experiencing together

Jessica Mills


Roberta Quis

I was not ready to leave when my two months were up. It was an unforgettable experience.

Roberta Quis

- Australia

Kenneth Janes

This was an amazing trip. I was immersed in new experiences, cultures, languages and people.

Kenneth Janes

- Canada

Lindsay Scott

This experience was both exceptional and valuable. Project was extremely enlightening.

Lindsay Scott

- Germany

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Globalcrossroad Best Cheap High school volunteer opportunities

child nurturing

Explore Globalcrossroad's excellent offerings for safe and affordable international volunteer programs for high school students:

Panda Conservation in China

Did you know that pandas in China are one of the most threatened species in the world? With international service projects for high school students, you can find yourself working alongside these giant animals in person. Volunteers with this exciting program will help to feed, clean, and play with pandas in Ya’an, an area near Chengdu.

Elephant Conservation in Sri Lanka

Imagine getting the chance to care for elephants day in and day out. If that sounds like a dream come true, then now’s the time to embrace international volunteer programs for high school students and dive into animal conservation with this worthwhile project. Based in stunning Sri Lanka, volunteers here will spend up to 35 hours per week working alongside a local mahout to assist with elephant care.

Healthcare project in South Africa

For teenagers interested in healthcare and medicine, there are many international programs for high school students that offer opportunities to gain experience working in these important fields. For this project in Cape Town, South Africa, volunteers will have a number of duties, including observing local doctors, assisting with basic patient care, and helping with administrative tasks.

HIV/AIDS Projects in Uganda

Uganda is suffering deeply from the effects of HIV/AIDS in communities that lack proper healthcare and support staff. Volunteer opportunities for high school students like this provide teens the chance to really make a difference to communities in need. As a volunteer with this project, you’ll help care for sick patients, initiate educational outreach to surrounding communities, and assist at local clinics.

Handicraft Project in Brazil

High school volunteer opportunities are often a chance for teens to learn about different cultures, and also explore the challenges that communities in other countries face. Women living in the poor areas of Brazil are caught up in the unending cycle of poverty. Volunteers will get to support these underserved women by teaching them handicraft craft skills, helping them learn basic English, and supporting them to set up small businesses.

Teach English in Ecuador

Many people in Ecuador don’t have access to quality English lessons, and this leaves them lagging behind better job opportunities in industries like tourism. By embarking on International service projects for high school students, you can help make a difference in Ecuadorian lives by teaching English in and around Quito. Working up to 35 hours per week, you’ll not only teach English lessons, but facilitate creative arts activities, and spend quality time with these wonderful elementary school students.

Guatemala Women’s Project

Do you speak intermediate Spanish? Are you looking to help support at-risk women? Then of the many international volunteer programs for high school students, this one is well-suited for you. Without government support or the ability to earn a livable wage, these women need assistance to break out of the cycle of poverty. Working between 10 and 30 hours each week, you’ll work side-by-side these inspiring local women, teaching them basic English, helping with translations and legal issues, and performing daily tasks to assist local organizations.

Joining one of these incredible international programs for high school students will lead you to enjoying a more fulfilling life. If you can’t wait to get started on a wild adventure filled with inspiring people, new job skills, and a deeper understanding of the world at large, then take a chance on our high school volunteer opportunities today. No matter what your age or interests, Global Crossroad offers programs for everyone: whether you want to explore working with children, saving animals, or helping under served women, we have the perfect program waiting for your special energy.

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