Project Summary

Our turtle conservation project in Sri Lanka is a wonderful program for those interested in nature and conservation. The project suffered infrastructural damage during the tsunami disaster of December 2004 and most of their equipment was lost or damaged. The project is witnessing significantly diminishing turtle populations due coral reef destruction and rampant marine pollution.

This turtle conservation Sri Lanka project runs different programs that monitor and work to conserve and build turtle population in the Kosgoda area. Volunteers' help is urgently needed for various types of conservation work, including monitoring turtle activity, creating informational resources and rebuilding damaged facilities.

  • Program: Volunteer in Sri Lanka
  • Projects: Turtle Conservation Project in Sri Lanka
  • Start dates: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month
  • Location: Kosgoda, near Galle, Sri Lanka
  • Departure and End Point: Colombo International Airport
  • Language Need: none
  • Accommodation/Meals: Host Family and Sri Lanka meals three times daily
  • Activities: Counseling, training and operational support
  • Working Hours: 25-35 hours per week

Volunteer Responsibilities

As a volunteer in turtle conservation project in Sri Lanka, you help is urgently needed for various types of conservation work, including monitoring turtle activity, creating informational resources and rebuilding damaged facilities. As a volunteer, you will feed and clean the turtles and their natural environment; monitor and release baby turtles from the hatchery; monitor turtle egg laying and relocate eggs to safer nesting areas. You will also assist with creating and maintaining a turtle statistic database.

Volunteers are also working to reconstruct the damage caused by the Tsunami that includes rebuilding turtle tanks and repairing the visitor housing. Other projects include developing informational resources and tourist souvenirs as well as conducting tours around the project.

Skills/Qualification Needed

As become a volunteer in turtle conservation project in Sri Lanka you do not require any specific qualifications to volunteer in the turtle conservation project, but your understanding of Sri Lankan culture and language will enhance your experience. Consider enrolling in our one-week Language & Cultural Immersion program. Volunteers should have a deep love for nature and conservation. Experience or familiarity with other conservation programs is considered a plus.

Volunteer in Sri Lanka: Project Locations and Free Time Options

Volunteer in Sri Lanka

Our turtle conservation project in Sri Lanka is located in and around the small beautiful town of Galle, approximately 120 km from Colombo. Galle is one of the most popular tourist areas of Sri Lanka boasting a nice beautiful coastline and diverse landscapes including beaches, marshlands, dry planes and hills. There are many prominent landmarks in Galle that stands as an ideal example of a fortified city built by the Europeans in South and Southeast Asia. The lasting architectural style is a unique fusion of European buildings with South Asian traditions. The Galle Fort is a world heritage site and remains the largest fortress in Asia built by Europeans.

Free time allows volunteers to explore beautiful beaches or visit various Buddhist and Hindu temples as well as mosques, churches, parks, zoos, national parks, museums and art galleries. Many beautiful communities on the north side of Galle provide a chance to explore Sri Lankan village life. Volunteers will have access to internet cafés and other traveler amenities in Galle and many restaurants in Galle serve western-style foods.