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Volunteer in Guatemala with Elderly People!

Do you have a passion for caring for the elderly and offering them compassionate care? Would you like to travel to Guatemala and provide assistance and companionship to senior citizens in need?

Guatemala is a fascinating country where Latin culture blends with traditional Mayan customs and traditions. You can explore ancient ruins, see volcanoes, shop at bustling local markets with colorful handwoven fabrics, visit beautiful lakes, and more!

Sadly, the elderly people of Guatemala are suffering and need your help. Many don’t have families to care for them in their old age, and nearly half of the aging population lives in poverty and is unable to afford private care. The care facilities that are offering them refuge are understaffed and struggle to keep up with all their needs.

You can make a big difference by joining us in volunteering opportunity in Guatemalawith elderly people. You’ll provide much needed care, assist doctors and nurses, and offer the time and attention these aging Guatemalans so desperately need. Help ease their final hoursand show them that someone still cares even when their families can’t be with them.

Contact Global Crossroad today to learn more about helping elderly people in Guatemala!

Volunteer Responsibilities & Impacts

You will act as a companion, caregiver, and friend to the elderly people living in the home. Your duties will vary based on your skills and interests as well as the current needs of the project. You may assist nurses, help prepare and serve meals, and offer support as needed. You will also sit with the elderly, listen to their stories, and give them the gift of your time.

You will make a huge impact on the quality of life of the elderly people you are traveling so far to help. Many of them may never even receive a visitor and feel quite lonely, so your companionship and time spent will mean the world to them. Growing older is not without its discomfort and challenges, but your compassionate care can help them age with dignity.

Skills and Qualifications

There are no specific qualifications to join our Guatemala volunteering opportunity with elderly people. We welcome volunteers from a variety of backgrounds and from around the world. The main qualities you will need are a passion for working with the elderly, a desire to help others in need, patience, compassion, and a big heart.

If you have specialized skills such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology, or you are a doctor or nurse, your help is very much needed, and you may be able to assist the elderly in other ways.

Most of the elderly people in Guatemala will not speak English, so we highly recommend our volunteers in Guatemala to come with Spanish language skills. If you cannot speak Spanish or you want to brush up on your skills, we recommend enrolling in our Spanish Language Studies program, which you can do a full week immersion, or take classes as you volunteer.

Each day working with the elderly will be an enriching and meaningful experience for you. You can expect to volunteer an average of 5 hours per day, Monday-Friday. Your exact schedule will be provided to you when you receive your final placement, but we’ve provided a sample schedule for you here to give you an idea of what to expect:

First Day: On your first day of volunteering with elderly people in Guatemala, our in-country coordinator will bring you to your placement and introduce you to the caring local project staff. Before you start your volunteer work, you’ll undergo an informative orientation.

Orientation: Learn all about your service work, schedule, safety protocols, and the fascinating customs and culture of Guatemala.

  • Weekdays: A typical volunteer day might look something like this:
  • 7.00 to 7.30 AM: Enjoy a traditional breakfast with your local host family and get ready for an exciting day of helping others!
  • 7.45 AM: Head out to your Guatemala volunteer program site. You’ll spend the day offering compassionate care and companionship to the elderly people.
  • 12.00 PM: Break for lunch. Head back to your host family or ask for them for a lunch to-go to eat at your project site. This will give you a chance to bond with your fellow volunteers from around the world.
  • 3.00 PM: After a day of volunteering, you’ll have your afternoons and evenings free to explore the beautiful city of Antigua. Don’t forget your camera, as this architectural gem is chock full of photo ops!
  • 6.45 PM: Enjoy a traditional dinner with your local Guatemalan host family. Eat regional foods, practice your Spanish, and bond with your new friends!

Volunteer in Guatemala with Elderly People: Dates and Fees

Dates: Volunteer In Guatemala

Guatemala Volunteer program starts every Monday. We still allow flexibility if you have travel constrains

Prices: Volunteer In Guatemala

Global Crossroad is committed to offering the most affordable and highest quality Antigua, Guatemala volunteer trips. We strive to keep our costs low. The humanitarian side of the business is our passion.

Global Crossroad's volunteer opportunity in Antigua, Guatemala application and registration fee cost US $299. The application fee covers the cost of advertising, program promotion, and office expenses (rent, utilities, and staff salaries in USA office).

In addition to the application fee, you are required to pay a weekly program fee. You will pay your weekly fee directly to your host family and project (via country coordinator). This way, the fees that you pay will benefit those who rightfully deserve them, and not for company profit.

Weeks No Spanish With 10 Hours Group Spanish
  1 Week $255 $285
  2 Weeks $405 $465
  3 Weeks $555 $645
  4 Weeks $705 $825
  5 Weeks $855 $1005
  6 Weeks $1005 $1185
  7 Weeks $1155 $1365
  8 Weeks $1305 $1545
  9 Weeks $1455 $1725
  10 Weeks $1605 $1905
  11 Weeks $1755 $2085
  12 Weeks $1905 $2265

Mandatory comprehensive travel insurance $3.49 a day »
How your fee is allocated?

Program fees cover:
  • Accommodation (hotel)
  • Food (only breakfast and dinner)
  • Airport pick up and transfer
  • Program Orientation
  • In-country support
  • Personalized project
  • Pre-departure information
  • Certificate of completion
  • Fundraising ideas and letters
  • Discount for returning volunteers
Program fees exclude:
  • Visas
  • Launch
  • Airfare
  • Personal expenses on soft drinks and foods
  • Daily transportation
  • Airport return transfer

The volunteering programs in Antigua, Guatemala fees will cover expenses that will begin on the first day of the program (usually the first or third Monday of the month) to the last day of the program. If you arrive before the first day of the program or you decide you stay beyond your program’s last day, you will be responsible for the additional expenses, which would typically be around $30 a day for room and meals at a hostel.

Accommodations and Meals

When you volunteer in Guatemala program, you will enjoy safe, clean,comfortable accommodations and three local meals a day. You’ll have the chance to stay with an experienced host family, who will welcome you into your home away from home. Immerse yourself in the culture, practice the language, and rest easy while traveling abroad.

Learn more about your accommodations and meals in Antigua, Guatemala.

Free Time and Weekend Exploration

You’re going to want to get out and see as much as you can of the exciting country of Guatemala, so we make sure your evenings and weekends are free. Make the most of your time abroad and explore! Evenings are a great chance to stroll through Antigua and marvel at historical architecture. Weekends are perfect to hit the road and discover new places!

Discover what to do in your free time and weekends off in Antigua, Guatemala.

Safety and In Country Support

Your biggest concern while volunteering with elderly people in Guatemala is probably your safety, and with good reason. Traveling abroad is not without its risks, and that’s why volunteering with Global Crossroad is your best bet for a safe and satisfying experience.

We carefully vet and plan every aspect of your trip, offer pre-trip guidance, airport pick-up, and more. You’ll also have the dedicated guidance and support of our experienced in-country team.

Learn more about safety and in-country support.

Volunteer in Guatemala with Elderly PeopleFAQ

There’s a lot that goes into planning a trip abroad, but when you join our programs, we take care of all those little details for you. You probably have a few questions you’re asking yourself, so here’s some helpful information to provide you with some answers:

Arrival and departure

For our Elderly Care volunteer opportunity in Guatemala, you’ll needto fly into La Aurora International Airport one day before the start date of your project. Airport pick-up will be arranged with our local representative, who will be waiting for you when you land. If your flight gets delayed, just let us know and we’ll rearrange things for you.

Once you finish up volunteering, you’ll be responsible for your own departure transport. Just book a taxi to the airport and check in with local project staff if you need help with this.


To volunteer in Guatemala program, you’ll need a tourist visa. Citizens of countries such as the US, UK, Canada, and Australia can apply for a 90-day visa when they land.

If you aren’t eligible for a visa on-arrival, you can apply at the local embassy of Guatemala in your home country. Or skip the trip and apply online!

Check out this website if you want to learn in detail about Guatemala’s visa requirements and policies.


You want to protect yourself by getting vaccinated before you travel abroad. Make an appointment with a knowledgeable doctor to discuss your upcoming trip.

Hepatitis A, malaria, yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis B, measles are the recommended vaccines for travelers visiting Guatemala.

Check out this website for more information about these vaccinations.

Why volunteer with elderly people in Guatemala?

Provide companionship to lonely elderly people

Many of these elderly people you will be working with are extremely lonely. They are without their families and may rarely or never receive visitors. Even a few minutes spent visiting with them will brighten their day. You will make a huge difference in their lives by spending time with them and caring for their needs.

Gain knowledge, insight, and wisdom

Sit down with the elderly and listen patiently to their stories of time gone by. Their tales and insights about life will offer you with a new perspective on your own life and will give you a fascinating glimpse into the past.

Assist the hardworking staff

Taking care of so many elderly people is an uphill battle, and the centers that care for them are underfunded and under resourced. Volunteering in Guatemala with elderly people offer much-needed support and back-up to the hard-working staff that dedicates their lives to caring for the aging population.

Travel the world while giving back

Not only will you get to travel to the exciting destination of Guatemala, you’ll get the amazing chance to make the world a better place. Ease the final phase of life for these vulnerable citizens and immerse yourself in a fascinating new culture while you’re there! Contact Global Crossroad today to learn more about helping the elderly in Guatemala!

Volunteer Opportunities Available in Antigua, Guatemala:

No matter your passion or interests, we offer a variety of life-changing, volunteer programs in Antigua, Guatemala such as

For more information on our exciting programs in Guatemala, contact us today.